Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Proud & Puppies

My brother Chad was in the paper today! Hooray for him! You can check it out here. And here is the photo of him from the article:
I'm such a proud sis!

Yesterday, my two brothers and Kaitlin came for a visit. They moved about a month ago. We've missed them bunches. Its really fun having them, especially because Devin's dog had puppies, so they are visiting too! Last night they got their first bath. It was adorable. Remember how I said that I would not get a dog, no if's and's or buts, until we own a house? There is a crack in my resolve.....

I think you might understand why.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Ahhh... so cute! I completely understand why there could be a crack in that resolve... but you-must-resist!! :-) Love you! xox M.