Saturday, August 28, 2010

Getting Caught Up

I was talking to Kristi the other night when she suddenly said, "Dude! When are you going to blog again? It's been like over a month." Well sis, here you go. I have been meaning to, but, you know, I can just be really lazy about it. Here are some pictures that I've been meaning to share....

If it gets too hot here, like towards 100 degrees, we can always escape to one of the many rivers or lakes. Not to mention the coast.
On this particular Saturday we went to the North Santiam River.
It sure was a nice escape from the heat. And extremely beautiful.
Next, we have photos of when McGreggor's family was here. It was so nice to see them. I hope they enjoyed themselves here in the great Pacific Northwest. They sure did do a lot of driving and saw some lovely countryside. I unfortunately had to work the whole time they were here, but did get to hang with them on the Saturday before they left. We took them up to Belknap Hot Springs. We swam and went exploring the gardens. Love you guys!

All righty then. That's all for now. Enjoy the ends of summer everyone! I'll do another post soon.. Promise!