Saturday, May 7, 2011


 My sister Jeni started making her own laundry soap. I heard it was super cheap and easy so I made it! You can find the recipe and detailed instructions here. It was SUPER easy, and I feel like it will last forever because it makes so much. I snapped a few pics with my fancy phone while I was making it.

I had to get  a pic of Dora checking out the neighborhood. she loves to stand on her hind legs and peer in between the blinds. Luckily, she never bends them up or ruins them at all, just peeks through like a little person. I think it is so cute!

Last nights Albany Downtown wine walk was so fun! I didn't really get any photos that I can share. I had one taken at the beginning of the night, and if I get it scanned then I will post it. Some of the shops downtown are so cute. I wish the whole downtown area would get more business. My favorite spots are on 1st Street. they all have tall ceilings with beautiful crown molding and tiling. It is so cool. I really need to get some pics to share. I'll just add that to my list. :)

1 comment:

Jeni Lyn said...

Don't you love the soap?? I love it! Plus I save so much money! I figured it costs me $18.00 for 28 gallons of laundry soap (of course that is not all at once)!!

I totally agree about downtown Albany. It has so much charm, it is such a shame that it is forgotton because of Geary street - lame.