Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Here are some pictures from last weekend at Yellowbottom. Finally! Pictures! Yay! These are all out of order, but you'll get the idea.

Look, this one is me and Kaitlin jumping off a cliff! I was so proud- the last time we went cliff jumping in AZ, I wouldn't jump. This time- NO FEAR BABY!
I know you're jealous right about now.....

Greg brought his scuba gear- this is what he and Justin found.

Kaitlin in the falls...

Me & Kaitlin coming up out of a water fall!

That's all till next time!


BusyMama said...

Wow, that water is amazing! I see where it gets its name.

Derek & Kellyn said...

You got some really great pics! I sure miss you guys. Sounds like you are doing well though. Maybe now that the fam is back, you will come visit? Please?!