Saturday, January 28, 2012

One sick puppy

I've had my fill of my favorite housemates being in the hospital this month. First Greg, and now poor little Napoleon. Tuesday he started getting really sick, and I was getting really worried. Apparently the puppy flu has been going around some of his playmates. Only-he is just too small to handle it! So he has been at the Albany Animal Hospital since Wednesday night. It's crazy how much we miss that little pup! He's been getting good care there though, and he finally turned a corner and started eating yesterday! Hooray! This morning I'm on my way to see him and give him lots of loves. I'm hoping that they will send him home with me, but they might keep him another night just to make sure he is free and clear of whatever was plaguing him. 
 Here he is hooked up to his IV to give him fluids and sugar. Poor guy!

As soon as he saw me the other night, he got as excited as the vet has seen him get, gave me lots of kisses, and just wanted to snuggle. He stayed snuggled in my coat until I sadly had to leave.

 Here he is as his perky self.

To help give you an idea about just how small he is, this is him with a plate sized pancake. Ya- before he got sick we had just gotten his weight up to 3lbs! That was a momentous day! We're going to have to work up to it again I'm afraid. 

If there is one thing he is really missing, other than us and his normal routine, it would be his bed and his toys. He LOVES his bed. And he is a very neat little pup, always collecting his toys on his bed. He never leaves them out around the house. If he sees one out, he immediately picks it up and carries it to his bed. It's the cutest. He is going to be so so happy to get home!

Well, think good thoughts for him that he can come home soon! And have yourself a lovely winter Saturday.


Anonymous said...

he's adorable! hope he's better soon!

favorite aunt

Ann said...

So glad he's home and all better now! Poor 'lil guy... xox M.