Sunday, March 21, 2010

Snacks Anyone?

You know how sometimes between meals, or when you get home from work, and you feel a little hungry, but all you have in your cupboards is stuff you have to cook? All you need is maybe some nuts, dried apricots, crackers, or M&M's. Behold the snack jars. We kind of stole this idea from Kaitlin and Justin, they had lots of these cool Ball jars from her mom that they started filling up with items from the bulk section. I can't tell you how much money it saves us!

We found all of our jars at thrift stores around the area. Each one cost less than $2. You can also find them at antique stores, but be ready to pay around $15 per jar there. Antique stores are just all around more expensive because people go out and find all the cool stuff at the thrift stores, mark it double or triple (or sometimes more), and put all the cool stuff together in one easy to find location - antique stores. We happen to enjoy the hunt- and the bargains of the thrift stores. I'll have to do more posts about the stuff we find. We sure are enjoying our snacks!

1 comment:

Darcie said...

SUCH A GREAT IDEA!!! I'm officially going to copy this one. Love you!