Wednesday, January 19, 2011

On a drive on a rainy day....

Sunday, Greg and I did go for a drive. It was quite relaxing. Rainy. But there were some really pretty clouds and I even felt inspired to snap a few pics. That is what you see here. For some reason that day, I felt like dressing up, and donned my most favorite heeled booties, holey jeans, black shirt, and a beret. It must have been quite the site standing on the side of the road, in the rain, taking photos as the sun was setting. You couldn't even tell there was a sun that day though!
Some rainy days are just fine with me. I love to watch the huge clouds rolling over the valley, the sounds rain can make on the roof, the puddles and unexpected lakes that appear from the unrelenting rain. Some days, I love that I can stay in and watch 24 all day and night, or movies, and not feel guilty about it because, hey, it's raining outside!
Today is not rainy- yet, but very cloudy. Grey. I'm kind of sick of grey. Only 6 more months to go for sunshine! I'm counting down.
At least the grey can make some really beautiful images...well, at least beautiful to me.

1 comment:

Kristin N. said...

awesome pictures! I miss you and the weather!