Sunday, September 28, 2008

We Didn't Move!!!

Update: We did not move. Long story, but not very interesting. The place I thought was going to be great, was dirty, and unfinished, with no stove. The land lady didn't even have a lease ready, and I took off two and a half days to move! So, what did we do? I took into consideration everything, from financial well being, to that still small voice whispering into my ear. I didn't feel good about it- AT ALL! So we backed out. Still trying to get our money back, but at least we are living somewhere we feel comfortable. We are going to go month to month for a while, and see if we can save up some money, and move somewhere that we know is going to be great. That is all I have to say about that. :)

In other news.... well, we don't have any. Here are some pictures I have never posted that I should have- long ago. I am only about 6 months behind... hehehe...

Meet Marco. Our very own scaredy cat. This picture was taken when we first got him. He is now much fatter. I don't think anyone at his previous home ever let him eat. He is very cute and funny, but doesn't like sudden movement, loud noises, or to be pet too much. He is a pretty funny cat.

Now, this photo is a total blast from the past! My dad turned 50 in May, so my and my mom and sister got together and pulled a ton of photos which we scanned in, and I put them together to make a movie of his life so far. This picture makes me smile! It is all 7 of us kids, my 4 brothers, and 2 sisters. I am the one in the purple. This was taken on one of our camping trips in Colorado. Too cute.

Alright, maybe next time I will post something more relevant. But at least I am posting! :)

1 comment:

Kimberly and Aaron said...

Andrea you look as beautiful and fun now as you did then! Way to go!! Sounds like you two are doing well!! Miss you!