Wednesday, March 23, 2011

They say it’s your birthday- SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA!

Or so the Beatles say anyway…. 

I can’t believe that this month is almost over and I haven’t done one post since the first. I’ve started 3. I was going to tell you a gross story about work. I was going to tell you about the weather. I was going to tell you about the March Fourth Marching Band. And here we are today with a post about Birthdays! I know SO MANY PEOPLE born in March. And since I’m terrible about remembering birthdays, and especially bad at sending out cards or anything at all, I thought I’d make a happy birthday list of those I love and care about.

Happy Birthday to

Kristi- 3/2
Chad (18! whaaat?) – 3/4
Patty Mom – 3/7
Betsy (18! whaaat?) – 3/11
Darcie Mom – 3/12
Missy – 3/14
Jeni (big 30!) – 3/21
Janay - 3/25
Karen Mom – 3/26
Jef – 3/27

If I missed you, please do accept my apologies as I’m trying to go off memory here, and like I said, I’m bad at the birthday thing! But happy birthday to you anyway!

Maybe next post will include some pictures or something fun like that. Cause that would be good.
By the way- I really don’t like this new font or anything, not really the layout either, but since I am so un-blogger savey, I can’t figure out how to change it! I try, and it gives me no options. Don’t worry though, I’ll figure it out somehow!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I’m pretty excited about a few things.

FIRST: Greg has a job! In this crappy economy, he would have taken just about anything, but instead, he got something worth while. He’ll be working at Safe Haven Humane Society, part time. It’s just the perfect thing so that we can get on with his education. I wonder how many more pets we’re going to end up with…..we could end up with a petting zoo in our house if I don’t keep tabs. Though it will be hard to say no…. you know….. those cute little furry animals just tug at the heart strings they do! But I’m holding firm to one notion: we can not have a dog until we OWN a house. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

SECOND: Refer to the first!

THIRD: What was I saying? Oh, yeah. Things I’m excited about. Did I already say that Greg got a job? Oh, yeah. I did. J Ok ok, third, I’m excited because the Corvallis Fall Festival planning is once again underway! I’m one of the Kid Zone planners. I think this year we might try to do sock puppets, and then have a sock puppet play. Would that be fun for kids? I need my nieces and nephews around! Dang- why are all of you in AZ? Oh, yeah, I moved here to OR. Well, if any of you who have kids and actually are reading this, if you would be oh-so kind to leave a little comment of suggestions of crafty things you might like to see your kids doing at a festival. Please? Pretty please?

FOURTH: I started a weekly girls’ night. Tuesday night is now girls’ night at my place. We’ll see how it goes and what it turns in to. Last Tuesday was the initial one, and we had to brainstorm ideas so that we wouldn’t be bored to death during the weeks to come. I mean, there’s plenty of things we could do, but I need them to be cheap. Ultra cheap. Cheap, but not lame. So we came up with some things and I’ll keep you posted. Tonight is PIZZA, and possibly some card making or playing. Or playing Apples to Apples.

FIFTH: Refer to the first!