Sunday, February 7, 2010


Greetings to 2010. I can't believe its been so long since I have done a post. The new year has started out quite well I think. Not much new to report on. We've made some changes in our lives, such as eating better and we have a new zest and vigor for life. I guess that is something to report on. Maybe I'll post about some of that stuff this year. I never know what to write about, so feel free to leave me ideas.

Today was a beautiful Sunday. Greg and I went out for a drive. We took our cat, Dora. She loves car rides. It is kind of hilarious! She loves to sit on top of my head rest and just lay her body over it so she can look out the side windows. And after she is bored of looking around and exploring the car, she gets really lovey and lays in our laps and purrs. It's pretty ado
rable. I have a few snapshots from today to share. And I wanted to share a quote about snapshots from Ansel Adams. I read it today in a book about film photography that I got for Christmas when I was in high school.

"The snapshot is not as simple a statement as some may believe. It represents something each of us has seen - more as human beings than as photographers- and wants to keep as a memento, a special thing encountered....The more we look, the more we see, and the more we see, the more we respond. Wen we begin visualizing our responses to the world in terms of images, we become photographers in the most rewarding sense of the term."
-Ansel Adams

So, without further ado, here are our snapshots of the day:


Derek & Kellyn said...

You guys look great! Sure miss you!!

Kimberly and Aaron said...

Andrea you look fantastic!! Love you.

andrea said...

Very cool, I love that.